About Us

Who We Are
The Housing Authorities of Guin, Hackleburg, Bear Creek & Winfield were chartered as non-profit corporations in 1949 and 1950 by the State of Alabama to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to the low-income citizens of Marion County. By contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as provided by the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, the Authorities, a Public Housing Agency (PHA), are governed by a local 5 member Board of Commissioners from each municipality. The Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and each serve a 5 year term. The Board elects a chairman and vice-chairman each year at the annual meeting.
These four agencies operate a total of 416 public housing units in Marion County assisting about 550 people or about 2% of the area population. Funding comes from HUD, local rental receipts, investments and grants. These agencies currently employ 17 full-time and 3 part-time employees. The mission of each PHA is the same as that of the Department of Housing and Urban Development: To promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination. In addition, provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for eligible families and to provide opportunities for economic independence for all residents. HUD has recognized each PHA as "High Performers", based on the Public Housing Assessment Program which is the measuring stick used to evaluate housing authorities across the nation.